This is one of the soaps I have made for the farmers market. It has 5 colors in it, and is scented with part cucumber melon & canteloupe cucumber. I call it fruit basket and it smells yummy!

Here is another soap. I made it with goats milk & oatmeal. It's called oatmeal, milk & honey. I really like what goats milk adds to a soap & oatmeal too. This soap rocks!

Here is another. This one is another goats milk soap. It is rosemary & peppermint.
It smells for fresh, and I like the tingle it gives. I got some red moroccon clay and added it to the top layer.

And another. This is lemongrass. When I first took of wiff of this one out of the bottle I thought what have i wasted my $$$ on. But I heard so much about it, people ranting how awesome it is in soap so I thought I just should try it. Once it is soaped it is yummy. More lemony scented that straight from the bottle. I added to the bottom layer dreid calendula flower petals from my yard. It looks pretty and smells great. I will definetly soap this again!!!

And last but not least.............................lavender raspberry.
What a yummy treat. I love the lavender & raspberry together. They smell so sweet.
I added grouns roses to the soap & for decoration on top!!