I am lovin this art journal page. I have made a few in the past, but they seem forced to me, or I got the idea from someone( nothing wrong with that I do it all the time). This page I got the idea & just ran with it. I am new to art journaling and really lovin it so much!!!!!!

How I got the inspiration for this page came up in a funny way. I was downstairs in my "studio :)" creative space, I share my space with the treadmill, food storage, my paper craft/ scrapbooking/ paint/ art journal/ mixed media/ homemade skincare- cold press soap, sugar scrubs, lip balm/ yarn-fabric/ some Christmas decorations/ kids school stuff area. I have a window that faces south, so I get good light & I love to open the window and have fresh air coming in. And when I turn on our clothes dryer during the summer months I for sure need to open my window to help with air flow.

Says Fresh..............................................................
So I am downstairs and when I start up the dryer and my window is already open so I go to open up the window on the other side of the room to get extra good air flow going on. Hubby is at his computer desk doing his thing(working form home today) and I open up the window & pull back the blanket. He has this yucky red & blue plaid heavy blanket as his window covering. We have had that atrocity hanging there for almost 14 years now. I give him crap all the time about that ghastly thing, but he likes it, makes his side of the space dark. I think the boys in our home are vampires, hubby included. He knows it gets my goat, I hate that deep dark blanket, not to mention but I'm gonna this window is in the front of our home. NICE!!! Good thing I have lots of plants in front of the window to hide the blanket of doom!!!
Can you say HILLBILLY!

So I go and pull the blanket so the air can pass threw the window, ya know good air flow. My hubbys like yikes when I lighten up the room. What a dork!!! I was like ahhhhh the nice fresh air how awesome that fresh clean air.
Have a great weekend & get some fresh air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!